Wave goodbye to your empty blog comments.
Instant social proof and a sense of community for your blog — plus better SEO — with comments powered by Twitter.
Installs on almost any blog in moments.

Sync To
Blog Comments
Sync To
Tweet Replies
The 3 biggest problems with traditional blog comment services
Ghost Town
Let’s be honest: too many blog comment sections sit empty. And empty blog comment sections scare off potential commenters.
Blotter is better: Replace empty blog comments by jumpstarting the convo on Twitter and connecting the threads back to your blog post.
Spam City
You want to encourage real discussion. But often your comments are just spam — drowning out the authentic human voices and undermining any sense of community.
Blotter is better: You’ll get more authentic comments and less spam. Soon Blotter will provide advanced moderation tools, too.
Silent But Deadly
Commenters migrated from blog comment sections to networks like Twitter. Why? Because they get distribution and visibility.
Blotter is better: You get the best of both worlds. Twitter distribution and visibility for your commenters, plus social proof on your posts and a sense of community.
Blotter converts your Twitter engagement to a sense of community on your blog + social proof for each post
Let’s face it — blog comments moved to Twitter. With Blotter, they’re back on your blog too.
Blotter replaces your traditional blog comment system and connects your blog post to Twitter so that blog comments appear as replies on Twitter, and replies on Twitter appear as blog comments.
Set up takes less than 5 minutes:
Why Blotter is right for you
Blotter isn’t just a revolutionary way to connect your blog to Twitter. A few of the reasons it’s a better commenting system:
Simple to install
A few clicks in WordPress — or a tiny JS snippet — and Blotter connects your blog to Twitter, and to a better blog comment experience.
Comments help search engines understand your content. Blotter adds canonical URLs and Google’s latest robots tag to give your page the best results.
Customizable DesignComing Soon!
You do you. Comment systems shouldn’t force you to use their look. Blotter offers designs to pick from, plus customization.
Blotter believes in privacy for you, and for your readers. We minimize user data collection and use aggregrate analytics.
Fast, Non-blocking Load Time
The faster your page loads, the better. Blotter’s script is small and defers until your page has loaded all of the important stuff.

How Blotter Works: Conversations Connect Your Blog With Twitter
To install Blotter, add just one plugin or JavaScript snippet to your blog. Blotter works with WordPress, Gatsby, Next.js, or any other blog that accepts a custom JS snippet.
Blotter attaches one or more Twitter threads to each of your blog posts as “Conversations”. Comments on your blog and replies on Twitter stay synced, so readers can join the conversation from either platform. You can learn more about how Blotter intelligently connects your Twitter threads to the correct blog post.
You get a sense of community and social proof on your blog, an SEO boost, plus the distribution and network effects of Twitter.
Start the Conversation
Unlike traditional blog comment systems, with Blotter you jumpstart the conversation. Three ways to get going:
1 Automatic Twitter thread matching
Already having conversations about your blog posts on Twitter? Blotter automatically connects your blog posts to existing Twitter threads based on the blog post URL.
2 Flexible Twitter thread linking
Want to use some other Twitter thread? No problem. Just grab the conversation ID from the Twitter URL and you can connect that thread as a conversation on your blog post.
3 Easy Inline Tweet Creation
Need to share more teasers from your blog post to Twitter? (HINT: The answer is *always* yes)
Blotter’s embedded Twitter thread crafting tool let’s you craft Tweets while viewing your blog post directly.

Better know your blog posts
Which of your blog posts resonate best with readers?
Which of your blog posts do you need to share on Twitter?
Blotter’s dashboard shows you at a glance the info you need to know to make the most of the hard work you’ve done to create great content.

More reasons to use Blotter
There are lots of comments systems for your blog. Some of them are even free! So, why would you choose to use Blotter?
Somehow there are still comment systems that don’t work on mobile. Blotter was born on it.
Free while you grow
Just getting started on your growth journey? Save your money until you start making it.
Your readers don’t want to be tracked. Blotter avoids unnecessary data collection.
Aggregated Analytics
Blotter shows you which content is working best for you, and what you need to share.
Reduced Spam
Spam? Spam?!? Ew. Let’s not do that, okay? You don’t like it and neither do your readers.
Easy Access
Commenters don’t want another login. With Blotter, they use their existing Twitter account.